Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cold Hard Facts On Church Planting, PART 10

We are only going to cover one principle tonight. The length and importance of this principle is so very valuable.  As a matter of fact, this ONE point on the list is the MOST VITAL hurdle to healthy and continual growth in any church but especially a new plant.

23. If you are unclear on your vision, then the people are totally ignorant of it. (DNA)

There is absolutely no way that I can over stress this point. You are working backwards uphill and going nowhere until you get this. You have got to be extraordinarily precise on your churches "DNA" structure. The vision behind your church is as important as the very church itself. It took me 3 years of absolute heartache and raging frustration to learn this. If you don't clearly know WHY your church exists and WHAT it's called to do then I promise that no one else does either. People are weary of long mission statements that have no real value. Repeating a paragraph over and over again does not get the calling into the hearts of the congregation. People MUST have something simple, concise, easy to package, and non bulky to carry around with them. I'd personally say that 5 things to remember is way too much. More than a sentence and people are bored. It needs to be so powerful yet so simplistic that you could fit it in the palm of your hand. Something important to keep in mind is that DNA is individually dispensed. It's great to "borrow brains" but your vision and DNA must be unique to who you are and the context in which you've been placed. Often, you'll get the passion for the new churches DNA by simply applying what you as the leader are gifted to do. This is exactly how Global Vision Bible Church came up with a fixed and foundational structure that all of our people can easily describe. I was asked one day to list 3 things I want to be remembered for. It was an easy task because there are 3 things that I love and am totally passionate about. I am addicted to Expository Preaching. My spiritual gift is giving and my heart is moved beyond words by the hurting, broken and addicted. So boom, there you have it. I came to a crossroads that day and I knew then that we must make those very principles the "Existing Purpose" behind our church. So from that day until now, EVERYTHING we do is filtered through our three-fold DNA: Powerful Preaching, Extravagant Generosity, Radical Compassion. Honestly, it was like we had completely re-launched the church. It gave us life, purpose and massive amounts of unity. Here's an exercise that will give you a snapshot of how well your congregation is on knowing the vision.  Start asking people at random "Why does our church exist?" More times than not you'll start getting the Porky Pig response as they stutter their way into some answer that is a generic as Sam's Choice Cola. I'm telling you the straight up truth that if you do not fervently and consistently promote the church's DNA then you will remain in frustration and very little is going to get accomplished. By the way, the DNA is not up for grabs and should not be compromised.  People will buck the system and rock the boat, but stand your ground.  God gave you a vision and it's not up for vote.  Quit letting everyone who wasn't called tell you how things should be.  Yeah, you'll be called a dictator by immature people but those that stick with you will call you a strong leader that knows where he needs to go.  Committees and boards CANNOT take the place of the DNA that God births in your heart. If I could only do one thing over, I'd never again make the mistake of launching without a CLEAR and CONCISE reason for the church's whole existence. 

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